Love and science can change the world for the better. This story will not be about love but about a brilliant child who wants to apply his knowledge to save people. Fourteen-year-old Joshua Backfort could read and write at ten months old. According to his parents, they did not specifically teach him anything. It’s just that the child was very fond of looking at fairy tales and cubes with the image of letters. Already at the age of two the boy went to school and graduated from it at the age of six.

Joshua’s father applied to the University of Oxford and the child was admitted to the first year. The boy became the youngest student in the entire history of Oxford. He studied at once at two faculties – history and philosophy.
At the age of ten the child already had two diplomas. This is an incredible case. Joshua Backfort is recognized as one of the smartest kids in the world. Such children are born very rarely. Scientists have not yet been able to explain the geek phenomenon.
What is the reason for their genius.

Maybe it’s some kind of mutation. As a child the boy was diagnosed with autism, but according to his parents, he was not closed, he is simply a serious and silent child due to his nature Whatever it is, Joshua otherwise grows up to be a very kind and sweet boy.
He communicates with his peers and there is no differ from other children. He has a lot of hobbies. The boy wants to continue his studies in the field of neurosurgery and also dreams of becoming an astronaut. His great desire is that people do not get sick. He wants to become a doctor to cure everyone who needs help.
Joshua’s parents support him in everything. After all he is still very young, he needs to try a lot, until he will understand which road he wants to continue his path. We wish the little genius new victories and achievements. Maybe he really will make our world a little bette